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We all know that Non-invasive cardiology is always considered the leading, noticed, and valued sector among other sectors in Medicine. This may result from the increased and increasing heart and heart-related ailments in today’s world. Cardiology is highly demanding not only in India but even in every corner of the world. But then, diving deep into this, among the cardiology branches, there exists the category referred to as Non-Invasive Cardiology, which emerged as the distinguished category wordlessly. These categories don’t work on ailments like surgery; instead, they examine and treat them externally. A non-invasive cardiologist only evaluates the heart’s health through stress testing, CT scans, ECGs, and other similar techniques. One of the most comfortable and stress-free categories is Non-invasive. This article will explain the demand for cardiologists and non–invasive cardiologists and suggest considering Non-invasive cardiology as higher education.
In India, the prevalence of heart disease is dangerously rising. With 1.7 million fatalities yearly, heart disease is India’s leading cause of death. Cardiovascular diseases cause nearly one-fourth of all deaths in India, according to the global burden of disease study. There is a severe lack of qualified cardiologists in India despite the country’s growing cardiovascular disease burden. The government needs 88,000 more cardiologists than the 4000 that are now available. There is a need for doctors to fill this gap in the demand for cardiac services.
On the other hand, Even if the vocation and hefty pay are enticing, hopeful MBBS doctors don’t always find seats open to follow their goals and give back to their community. Finding the correct course and college has become essential because numerous locations on several continents now provide specialized Courses to entice Indian students to travel overseas.
Despite the pressing need for qualified cardiologists in India and the limited availability of seats for MBBS doctors, pursuing a fellowship in clinical cardiology can offer aspiring medical professionals the opportunity to fill this critical gap and contribute to addressing the growing burden of cardiovascular diseases in the country.
Cardiology – A Dominant Sector
Cardiologists examine, diagnose, and treat patients with heart disease or other cardiovascular disorders, such as excessive blood pressure. They have several benefits, including the possibility of high income and the power to enhance patient health. If you are considering a career in medicine, you might be interested in learning more about what cardiologists do and the advantages of working in this area.
Like many other medical specialities, cardiology is undergoing rapid change as doctors and researchers gain a better understanding of the reasons and remedies for various cardiovascular disorders. Technology for pacemakers and stents is constantly evolving. Medical professionals are developing new techniques to less invasively complete multiple treatments, such as replacing valves. Artificial organs and cardiac transplants are still subjects of ongoing research. Because of these changes in the sector, many cardiologists can continue to find intellectual stimulation in their work.
What is Non-invasive Cardiology?
Non-invasive cardiology focuses on the evaluation and diagnosis of cardiac diseases, such as dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, fainting, or rapid and irregular heartbeats, utilizing external diagnostics. The Inter-societal Accreditation Commission has granted the Non-Invasive Cardiology Lab accreditation in Adult Echocardiography and Adult Stress Echocardiography (IAC).
MBBS graduates who wish to specialize in any medical speciality of their choosing are increasingly taking these cardiology courses. The curriculum’s and programs’ durational flexibility is mostly to blame. Doing a fellowship in non-invasive cardiology after earning your MBBS is something to consider if you want to learn valuable skills and information quickly at a reasonable price.
Scope of Non–Invasive Cardiology
A non-invasive cardiologist only evaluates the heart’s health through stress testing, CT scans, ECGs, and other similar techniques. Thus, non-invasive cardiologists might suggest additional therapy or Medicine to address the illnesses. The patient will be sent to cardiac surgeons if necessary. Surgery is not something that non-invasive cardiologists can do. However, he plays a crucial role in identifying and comprehending the health status of CVD patients.
Non–Invasive Cardiology at TAU – UCN
Texila American University (TAU) provides a two-year non-invasive cardiology fellowship program in collaboration with the University of Central Nicaragua. Its purpose is to aid those seeking to specialize as cardiologists in India. A hospital-based postgraduate fellowship is available to undertake after MBBS. The option will be available to students to take this course at one of the heart hospitals associated with TAU.
Students who enroll in this non-invasive cardiology fellowship will receive training in various non-invasive cardiology-related topics. They can interpret:
- Analyze ECG, X-Ray, and Chest Recordings by Holter
- Analyze Ambulatory Blood Pressure Checks
- Overseeing and interpreting TMT
- Do and interpret echocardiograms on oneself (level 2 echo)
- Dobutamine/Stress Exercises Stress Echo under strict control
Embarking on a rewarding career in cardiology offers medical professionals the chance to make a profound impact on patient health and well-being while addressing the rising prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in the population.
The Fellowship Education Curriculum emphasizes practical knowledge, with both theoretical and clinical components. In this two-year, reasonably priced curriculum, clinicians will gain a deeper understanding of noninvasive cardiology’s clinical and service components. Students participating in fellowships may observe patients while learning about and implementing many facets of patient care and therapy.
The fellowship program provides students with alluring study stipends, broad e-book access, and exceptional exposure to premium cardiology-focused institutions where they can gain practical experience. It also has an international curriculum suitable for students from all over the world.
Texila American University is the best for Non–Invasive Cardiology
- International curriculum with a well-structured, non-invasive cardiology program
- Desirable stipend while taking the course
- Interactive and faculty-driven curriculum
- Real-time instruction on the non-invasive techniques with actual patients
- Unlimited access to e-books, online resources, and other materials
- Submission of thesis leads to a master’s degree in medical science—individual assistance from academic advisers and student mentors.
And more than that, our academic leaders have a wealth of knowledge. To ensure that the student’s time of study is easy and stress-free, they offer competent advice. Students can contact them through phone, Skype, or email.
Our academic advisers will supervise, develop, and manage comprehensive educational activities. They also provide faculty support to help the students submit and complete their assignments on time.
Our student mentors are assigned to provide each student with individualized help. They will support and mentor students throughout the program. Students will find it simple to finish their courses on time with their assistance.
As part of our commitment to providing exceptional support to students pursuing a fellowship in clinical cardiology in India, our dedicated academic advisers and mentors offer personalized guidance and assistance throughout the program, ensuring a smooth and successful learning experience.
We have academic staff from all over the world. The faculty provides prompt assistance and high-quality instruction to students, helping them finish their courses on time. By providing insightful criticism, they help students prepare for their desired careers.
Periodically, we release Texila International Journal. It is available to all of our students. We have released a substantial number of articles since our launch in 2012. Such journal articles will be beneficial for planning and researching your dissertation thesis.
The following is what the fellowship in non-invasive cardiology would ensure for you:
- A competitive remuneration, particularly in super-specialty cardiac care facilities
- By comparison, becoming a specialist in cardiac care takes a fraction of the time it takes in other cardiology specialties, whose demand expects to rise by 20 percent by 2025.
- A greater sense of job security and fulfillment
- The pinnacle of a fulfilling career and humanitarian service
- A suitable cardiology specialization for people who want low-risk work because non-invasive procedures don’t require surgery
Due to the extraordinary scope and remuneration, medical aspirants in India have a significant demand for cardiology courses. Cardiologists are essential in saving lives as the death rate from cardiovascular disease (CVD) rises. Most medical hopefuls choose India’s cardiology course even though it is a complicated and lengthy journey. Cardiology courses in India are attracting MBBS graduates because of the lucrative employment options. It assures them of a prosperous future. Especially non–invasive cardiology will stay a great pathway to create a beneficial career.